segunda-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2014

Jijina - O poder da arte ou o efeito borboleta

Para um "a-ver-livros", quase no final do ano, escolhi ao acaso numa pesquisa da net um quadro com livros, era da pintora russa Marina Jijina - e dali parti para mais um pequeno poema, como quase todos os dias. De alguma forma ela deu com o post e partilhou-o na sua página de facebook. Por mero acaso dei com a partilha. E assim chegámos à fala. 
a-ver-livros: suspensão e Marina Jijina
pára tudo
suspende os dias
o curso dos rios
trava as marés
no seu vai-vem
detém a respiração 
dos plátanos
interrompe os sonhos
sustém o passo estugado
do tempo

há um amor e uma tragédia
à espera na esquina
e quero saborear 
a expectativa

Marina lamentou não entender português. Traduzi-lho. Ela acabou por fazer um post especial no seu facebook e no seu blog.

"Happy New Year to all !
For me the beginning of 2014 has been marked with an unusual and fascinating discovery : while doing a daily art related research on internet I came across a poem written in Portuguese dedicated and inspired by one of my earlier paintings called 'University Student Resting'. The poem was written in December 2013 and was featured along with the image of the painting by a Portuguese literary blog.:

A little later I learnt that the author of the poem Ana Almeida is a Portuguese journalist, writer and a poet, she started ''a-ver-livros'' project a year ago for a literary blog called 'Clube de Leitores''. Each day Ana Almeida chooses a painting on the theme of books and uses the painting as a starting point for writing a poem. As I don't speak Portuguese Ana Almeida kindly translated her poem in English for me:

"Stop everything

suspend the days
the course of the rivers
halt the tides
that come and go
hold the breath
of the sycamores
interrupt all dreams
hold the paced steps
of time

There is love and tragedy
awaiting on the corner
and I want to savour
the anticipation"

I asked Ana Almeida why she chose this particular work for her inspiration, and this is what she replied: ''When I looked at your painting I felt like stopping in time and just enjoy anticipation of something either good or bad, for both are part of our lives''.

I feel honoured that my work inspired another artist for creating a work of art; it connected two people that didn't know each other and wouldn't have met otherwise across the countries borders, foreign language barriers, and cultural differences.
What an amazing power of art!"

Obrigada, Marina Jijina - pela tua arte e pela tua sensibilidade!
Thank you, spasibo Marina - for your art and your sensitiveness!

* quem estiver pelo Reino Unido (onde ela vive actualmente) e tiver oportunidade, vá espreitar a
Oxford International Art Fair, na câmara municipal de Oxford, em que ela estará presente de 7 a 9 deste mês.

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